Functional Medicine
Think of functional medicine practitioners as new age health detectives.
Together we unravel all your concerns and let your body do the talking through symptoms so that your story is heard and understood. Through this partnership, step by step your health can be restored and you can live your best life.
This is your opportunity to work one-on-one and have the support of a trained professional. It feels good to have a detective, advocate and ally, to stand side-by-side with you on your health journey.
We believe you deserve to know and connect with what you want out of life, and that health problems, and lack of answers, are standing in the way. We are here to listen deeply: to help you connect the dots and understand your health goals and body so you can live your most vital, vibrant life.
Using functional medicine lab testing as appropriate, we can discover food triggers and other hidden stressors in your body and use those healing opportunities to allow your body to tap into it’s own vital reserve to get well. This process, over time can restore your health for the long run.
In Functional Medicine we believe that your body is an interconnected system, and that no one body part or problem exists in isolation. Unwanted symptoms are often a sign of dysfunction in the body. Through a Functional Medicine approach, we are here to understand the “why” behind your current health concerns to personalize a plan and create improvements that are long lasting.
We do this through active listening, detailed assessment, and comprehensive testing. With a focus on lifestyle changes, nutritional supplementation, integrative therapies and at times medication, we’ll cocreate a long-lasting resolution and improvements unique to you.
Interested in becoming a patient?
Taking the hand of a health coach is essential for you to succeed in your new lifestyle plan. A coach help you identify foods and lifestyle choices that are best for you and your body of what your functional doctor have prescribed. Our health coach is trained to provide the missing balance of how you can succeed in your health and wellness, marriage and life in general. We will combine your assessment outcomes to create the best lifestyle options for you.
Spiritual counseling is also available no matter what belief system you have. Our providers encourage your spiritual walk to improve your life.
Emotional wellness is also important when healing. Excessive stress in any form will diminish your immune system and effect your health and wellness. Whether your stress is from your job, marriage or certain situations in your life right now, past experiences or health concerns, managing that stress is imperative to good health. Consulting, coaching and spiritual counseling is one option to help you learn what you can do now to reach your goal of a healthy and improved quality of life.